Snow Flake
My eyes shut tight as I felt the slight breeze. The beating of my heart rapidly increased and the blood flowed through my veins as I fell down a flight of stairs. My eyes fluttered open and I witnessed a boy lying in front of me. I didn't exactly get the chance to examine his face because I was running late to school. The only thing that remained in my mind was his scent and his gray sweater. My face was practically buried in this guy's chest and the only thing on my mind was getting to school on time.
I quickly lifted myself off of him and began dashing towards the gates to Seika High School. I frantically ran past every door till I reached the room I was supposed to be in - Room 5A. Luckily, I was early enough to make it into the gates, but the problem was that I was late to class. The bell rang in my ears as I opened the door to my classroom.Every head snapped towards my direction as I stepped into the classroom.A girl sighed in her seat, "I thought it was Kyle!" They turned their gazes away from me and to their fingernails. It was obvious that no one ever noticed me and never tried to acknowledge the fact that I was there.
This school consisted of all rich kids. Why do you ask that I go this kind of school? Well it's because my parents insisted that I go to this school. I may not be rich, but what people do not know about me is that I am incredibly intelligent. Most people at this school would only pay attention to someone if they were rich or famous. Well personally, I'm not interested in these types of people. They seemed more arrogant than kind or generous. The only person that liked me even though I was poor, was a girl named Riku.
I waved at her as her lips curved into a smile. She was the only girl that I knew in this class. I couldn’t remember anyone else’s name other then hers I guess that was one of my problems - I couldn't remember names well, so I usually nicknamed people. When I first met Riku, I sat next to her in this classroom. I would keep annoying her by talking constantly. She would call me annoying or weird, but as we kept conversing, we realized that we had so many similar interests. We became friends in an instant.
Riku is the type of girl that never speaks to anyone, not because of shyness, but because she doesn't like to interact with people unless she gets to know them well. She had short black hair and dark eyes that made others so frightened of her. I personally wasn't, because I knew her inside out. From day one, she was known as the ice queen because of her cold personality towards others.
Everyone assumes that she’s mean and has a cold personality. In reality, she’s very kind and trustworthy. She’s the only one that would remain friends with you even if the whole world was against you. I remember the first day I brought lunch to school and I only had rice and eggs. Everyone else bought expensive school lunch that was $50 a plate. I was the poor girl that had to bring home lunch and pray for someone else to buy me school lunch.
Apparently, Riku was the type of person that didn’t care what others thought. She gladly switched lunches with me so that people wouldn't stare as much. That was the kindest thing that anyone had ever done for me. That's what made her such a great friend.
While sitting next to Riku, I dug in my bag for my textbooks. All of them had scribbles and notes in them. I wasn't really a clean person. The continuous chatter of girls stopped as the door flung open. My attention went back to Riku and I whispered, "My mom had to literally pull me off the bed to wake me up. I think I have a back ache."She burst out in laughter, "Karen, you're such an interesting girl. I'm glad I met you.""Me too. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you."As we kept conversing, I saw from the corner of my eyes two boys walk into the classroom. One of them had brown hair and the other had red hair. I called him tomato head and the other, arrogant prince. I whispered, "They sound like pigs when they squeal."She giggled, "You’re so right! They do sound like pigs!"Riku suddenly said, "Look, he's staring at you!"I averted my eyes to them."Who?""Kyle.""Who's Kyle?""You don't know Kyle? He's the brown haired guy over there."I shrugged, "I don't remember names.""He looks like he's interested in you."I frowned, "Like hell. I'm not interested in him. I already have too many annoying guys in my life, my brother and my dad."She laughed once more, "True."I glanced back at who was staring at me. Our eyes met and I felt something. My heart thumped and I felt my hands get sweaty. I quickly denied this feeling telling myself, "He's so arrogant and self centered. I hate those types of people."
Suddenly, that brought me to thinking about my past, the first guy I ever liked. In kinder garden, I confessed to a guy I liked and he rejected me. He crushed my dreams of ever having the perfect romance every girl dreamed of. He told me that no one would ever like me and that I was the ugliest thing alive. I know this is a long time ago, but it remained in my head forever. I didn't want to get hurt again. Besides, being single isn't that bad. If Riku ever liked anyone, I wouldn't have to like him too and then break our friendship. I didn't have to deal with drama if he cheated on me. Rejection can be a bitch. I don't have to deal with that either. Life is perfect the way it is, I don't want to ruin it with the thought of boys.
Class began as the teacher walked into the classroom. Riku and I usually wrote notes to each other at this time. When we laughed, the teacher wouldn't say anything because she was deathly afraid of Riku's glare. She doesn't even try to say anything when she knows we're passing notes. The funny thing is that, Riku hasn’t even done anything. I guess teachers listen to rumors as well. I wonder what it would be like to be Riku. She's rich, but she hates it. I'm the exact opposite...
It was finally lunch time and I couldn't stand my stomach growling any longer. I stretched and headed towards the exit while yawning. Riku followed as I shoved the arrogant prince aside in order for me to get to the exit. All the girls came rushing towards me. They looked furious, "How dare you shove Kyle and Jesse?!"I sighed, "Look. I'm just trying to leave the classroom, but this dude over here wouldn't move and so I was being kind to others by pushing him out of the way. What am I supposed to do? I don't give a crap about what you guys think so leave me alone."Honestly, I was being moodier than usual because of my hunger.They stuttered, "Well... um... you shouldn't..."I interrupted, "Why? So I don’t get a scratch on your beautiful charming prince’s face?" No one answered my question and so I continued walking towards the exit while having my bag over my shoulder. Right when I opened the door, I felt a hand on my left shoulder."What now?" I turned around and saw the black haired guy.He apologized, "I'm sorry about them, but I believe that you were a little too mean."I sighed, "Alright, I'm sorry, but I'm kind of in a hurry. I'm hungry as hell."He chuckled, "You're interesting and kind of pretty."I was about to vomit. Is he serious? He's so strange. He thinks I’m interesting? More like unique. "You’re gross and weird."All the girls gasped as I said this. "Let's go Riku. I'm annoyed."As we continued into the hallway, someone came up towards us. It was Tomato head."Hey wait up. Karen, you really are strange. If you treat him badly you know he can cause your family to go broke."My expression changed from annoyed to shock. Crap, what have I gotten myself into?"Really?""Yeah, but its fine. I'll talk to him. You guys seem pretty cool."I let out a huge breath, "Thanks, but I really got to go."I felt my stomach throb in pain from holding in my hunger for too long. Both me and Riku left to our secret lunch place.
Chapter 1 completed.... please continue to chapter 2
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