Riku and I always ditched the lunch room for a better place. We went outside where there was a beautiful garden filled with roses and tulips. I fell in love with everything in that garden especially the cherry blossom trees. As we walked through the pathway towards the garden, I witnessed a squirrel and other living creatures. Since it was spring, the flowers were blooming and they were amazing. I felt the slight spring breeze blow through my hair as we arrived next to a fountain. We unpacked the lunches we brought from home and began stuffing our faces.
It was strange because basically packed each other's lunches. Riku loved eating my food and I loved eating hers. We would always switch lunch boxes to have a taste of rich and poor. She would always bring food like lobsters, shrimp, caviar, while I only had rice with eggs. No one would judge me for what I brought since no one was usually in this garden.
I loved this garden more than any place in the world. I was never judged and I could always be happy and entertained even though there were only flowers and a fountain there. Even without Riku, I'd come here all by myself. I didn't mind being alone, just as long as I got to see the cherry blossoms and the roses."Hey... Riku, what do you plan on becoming in the future?"She sighed, "I guess I'll have to take over my dad's company in the future... what are you going to become?"I answered, "I don't know... I've always wanted to just open up a flower shop and grow flowers. It's not that interesting, but I guess I've loved the scent of flowers. It just reminds me that the world is such a beautiful place yet no one realizes it."
Riku laughed, "I didn’t know the tough tomboyish Karen could have such a girly dream!"I glared at her comment, "HEY! I am a girl! Who says I'm a tomboy? I can be as girly as the other girls at this school! It's NOT that hard!!!"She burst out laughing, "And someone girly as you would wear a guy's uniform at work?"My mouth dropped open, "Oh my god! How did you know I worked?"She grinned, "Just my ways. I know things."I laughed, "Riku, you're freaking me out! Are you stalking me?""Yeah. I'm stalking you! No, it's just that one day you left your text book at my house and when I followed you, you went inside a restaurant. I thought you were just going to eat there so I went in. I couldn't find you so I asked around, but they told me that you worked there. I didn't want to bother you while you were working so I just left."I grinned, "Oh, I thought you were stalking me!"She poked my sides, "You think I'd stalk you? In your dreams!""Why would I dream about that? Anyways, you should've come in. I would've given you FREE SERVICE!""Oh, alright! I'll just go there next time!""YUP!"We started eating our lunches and discussing about our lives."So... how's life at home?"She replied, "Terrible... my mom's begging me to shop at expensive stores. She hates it when I wear baggy clothes and hoodies."I frowned, "You know, I'd kill to switch lives with you! My parents are the opposite. They pay me to shop at cheap stores with clothes that cost less than 5 dollars. They love the word 'HOODIE'. In fact, hoodies are too expensive for my family as well."We kept on arguing about how much we wanted to switch lives, until the bell interrupted us. We packed up our lunches and headed towards the school.AFTER SCHOOL
Finally, school's over! I stretched my arms and yawned, while shoving my books into my bag. Thank god, I go to a rich school. I don't have to clean the classrooms anymore. The memory of punishment struck my mind. I used to clean bathrooms and classrooms after for being late. My teachers despised me for outsmarting them. One teacher got so angry; she made me clean for hours without stopping. I'm glad that I don't have to deal with that anymore.
While walking home, I noticed the flowers bloom and the butterflies as they flew passed me. I usually walked home with Riku, but she had an important meeting to attend to. There was a limo waiting for her at school and I obviously couldn't go with her, so I decided to walk home again. By the way, it was NOT rare seeing a limo at our school. Everyone rode limos and expensive cars while I walked or rode a bike to school.
Before reaching the stairs, someone tapped my shoulders. I smelt a familiar scent coming from the person behind me. What was it? "Do you have something against me?"I twirled around and discovered that the hand belonged to the arrogant prince. The question made me feel as though it was entirely my fault. He really didn't do anything, but I guess I was the one being rude."I mean... you practically knocked me over this morning and you called me weird. I don't really get what I did wrong."
Now I remember, the scent was when I bumped into him this morning. I fell on him and left him there without saying sorry. Now, I felt kind of sorry and mean for judging him like that even though he didn't do anything. I mean, it's not his fault he's arrogant. I should apologize.
I frowned, "I'm sorry... today wasn't really a great day for me. I'm usually not this easily annoyed, but something just made me grumpy." His angelic smile almost struck me unconscious. Wait did I just say angelic? I must be blind. "No, it's fine. I have those bad days too. We should start fresh since that wasn't a proper greeting."He stuck his hand out in front of him. "My name is Kyle."Oh, so that was his name. I don't think I'll remember that, but I guess I'll just act like I remember. I shook his hand and replied, "I'm Karen."
My body froze up and I felt like an electric shock flowed through my whole body as I shook his hand. Without hesitation, I quickly pulled my hand away. Embarrassment was written all over my face as I blushed. What was this sensation? It couldn't be anything like love, is it? No it can't be. I just met him. I tried to run away from what just happened by using work as an excuse."I'm really sorry, but I have to go to work. I guess I'll see you later."
I waved at him and strided across a puddle of mud beneath me. My mind went back to when Kyle shook my hand and smiled with those beautiful teeth. Did I just remember his name? How do I remember? That's impossible. Before I finished walking up the steps, Kyle yelled, "So where do you work at?" I shouted back, "A sushi bar." He smiled, "Well, good luck!" I rushed to the bus stop in time to be able to ride the bus. I wonder why he actually spoke to me. It doesn't seem like rich arrogant guys would talk to poor ugly girls like me. If I were a rich arrogant guy and I met a girl so mean like me, I'd just avoid her.Karen, don't trust him. He's probably trying to get to Riku or he's trying to make fun of you. I closed my eyes in relief, thinking that he would never be able to make me fall in love with him or even get close to me or Riku. I'll just keep pushing him away.AT WORK
I finally arrived in front of the sushi bar. There were so many people inside the restaurant that I didn't have space to breathe. While shoving through the crowd, I witnessed my boss' sharp glare. He pointed at his watch, "YOU’RE LATE!"I grinned, "Just cut me some slack! I’ve never been late! Please don't fire me?" I gave him the puppy look with my lower lip sticking out. I hope my pouting works!He suddenly shook his head in disapproval.
"Don't ever do that face again! I'll give you a chance since this is your first time being late." He turned around and went to go complain at one of the new waitresses. I let out a huge breath. I swear, he is one strict boss. He never gives chances to anyone, but he became more human after getting a girlfriend. I thought it was kind of cute. He was really an introverted guy, but after he met her, he started connecting with more people and became more outgoing. She really changed him.
Suddenly, I wondered, will Kyle change if I went out with him? Maybe his arrogant behavior will change. I shook my head in anger. Why am I thinking about him again? Why can't I just get him out of my mind for an eternity! All day after I spoke to him, my mind has been constantly going back to Kyle.
I quickly changed into my uniform, but obviously it was for guys. I hated the lacing that girls got on their uniform. It was way too uncomfortable for me. The thought of wearing something that revealing, made me nauseous. Well, in other people's minds, they weren't even that revealing, but I used it as an excuse to avoid the itchy lace that irritated my skin so much. I could just imagine myself scratching like no other.
After getting changed, I headed to the kitchen. There stood Jamie and Bo. Bo was the chef and Jamie was one of my friends from middle school; she worked here also. Bo was like a father to me. He took care of me and always covered for me whenever I couldn't make it to work. That's how I had such a perfect record even though I was always late."Hey! How was school? Are you going to rant about the snobby rich kids at your school again?" Bo questioned."Nope, not today, but I did have a bad day."He laughed, "Of course.""I fell down a flight of stairs and ended up knocking over an innocent guy. At the same time, I forgot to eat breakfast, so I got super grumpy. I ended up causing drama with the same guy and called him a weirdo and a snob. I feel really bad, now that I think about it."Both Bo and Jamie burst out laughing. Jamie mumbled, "That's what we were expecting."Bo replied, "You know. That’s not half as bad as last time. Remember? You left your bag on the bus and ended up chasing the bus all over town. You really have no luck."I sighed while laying my head on the counter, "I guess so, but I got you guys to cheer me up. What am I going to do without you guys?"Bo squeezed my right cheek, "Karen, you can always rely on us, but I think you really got to apologize to that guy.""Well... I kind of did, but I don't think I made it seem sincere enough. I didn't even get time to explain things clearly because I needed to get to work."I sighed, "I don't think I can speak to him properly tomorrow. I've never actually spoken to a guy outside of work, home or towards teachers. Besides, he's just another one of those snobby rich kids that think they're all that. I don't think I need to speak to him again after I apologized to him."
Jamie walked over to me and patted my back. "Good job for actually talking to a guy, but I think you should get to know him and then judge him. Maybe he's not really that snobby. Go talk to him and get him something. Take him out to eat, get him chocolate, I don't know... Just do something so that you can show that you're really sorry."I thought for a second, "Maybe I should." She smiled, "It's something to ponder about."I don't want to get involved with this guy, but at the same time, I want to know what type of person he is. Is he really arrogant like I viewed him as? Or am I wrong?AFTER WORK
Luckily, work finished earlier than usual. After so many people came to the restaurant, everyone left and the restaurant was empty so the boss let us go early. As I finished putting on my jacket, I stepped into the pouring rain. During spring, it usually rained like crazy, but I never brought an umbrella. Something very strange about me was that I loved the rain. I loved the smell, the atmosphere, how it felt on my skin and the noise. It made me feel less stressed and calm.
Something about the rain made me feel as though I didn't need to worry about anything and that all my responsibilities could run free. It was as though I was still a child, with no responsibilities and worries. I've always hated being the adult in my family. My parents were busy gambling and enjoying their lives to even care for me and my brother, Jake. I was the one who had to keep my brother healthy and behaving while paying the bills. I hated everything about being the adult. When do I have the time to enjoy my life? Never... except in the rain. I could enjoy twirling and spinning around in the rain without being worried.
In my memories, the only time I received love from my parents was when I was in the rain. My mom would always call me to come inside because she was worried about me. Where did this feeling go? She never worries anymore, I miss them... My eyes shut tight as I felt the rain drop on my finger tips. Jamie shouted out, "Want to use my umbrella?"My eyes fluttered open, "Nope. It's fine."She looked worried, "You'll catch a cold!"I grinned, "Remember? I’m as strong as an ox!"She laughed, "Oh, alright! Well, get home safely! BYE!"She headed towards the opposite direction I was going. Jamie ran off and I was alone once again. My hair and clothes were soaked already and I didn't even care. A sense of depression and happiness mixed in my mind as I thought of the troubles I were to face when I got home. I also thought about how happy I was to be able to escape reality with the rain.Before I finished spinning around, I tripped over something, but was caught by someone. My eyes fluttered open to witness a beautiful pair of hazel colored eyes staring back at me. Above our heads, was a yellow umbrella?
It was him... Kyle. Our faces were inches from each other and his arms carried me. I felt the blush on my cheeks once again and the butterflies grow in my stomach."W... what are you doing here?" Why was I acting so strange? Aren't I supposed to be the tough girl that doesn't get swayed by his looks and fake kindness? I'm supposed to be ignoring him! What's wrong with me?He put me back on my feet and balanced himself. "Oh... well, I was just... um... walking around."I giggled, "So... you're stalking me?"He answered, "Yeah... uh... I mean no. Why would I follow you?"I explained, "That's kind of strange. This is a poor neighborhood and no one that is rich ever passes this place."He sighed, "Okay, I give up. I was following you. I wanted to know where you worked, it seemed interesting."
I questioned, "So... what did you do for... um... over 4 hours?"He scratched the back of his head, "Just looked around." He pointed at all the little stores around the area. It did look pretty interesting. There were so many food stalls and jewelry stores, I couldn't believe my eyes. Why didn't I see those before?"So... what were you doing just now?"
I remembered that I was spinning around in the rain like a crazy person. That embarrassed me a lot! "Okay... I was just enjoying the rain, but why were you here till I finished work?" I tried to change the subject and get him to feel more embarrassed than I was. Something about the question made his joking expression turn serious. "None of your business!"
Just to tease him more, I responded, "Okay... I'll just leave you with your business." I began walking away from him, but before I could leave, he grabbed my hand. "Wait."This sent an electric shock throughout my whole body. I never felt this way before. I quickly slapped his hands away immediately. Why am I reacting this way?"What's wrong?"I stuttered, "n... nothing. I just don't want to get your hands all wet.""No. that's okay.""What do you want? I'm going home. There's no need to follow me anymore."He looked worried and confused, "Are you okay?""I'm fine. I just don't get why you're following me and being nice to me."He smiled, "I just feel like you're actually a nice person and I want to get to know you. I think it's really interesting how you don't act the same way other people do. You seem irritated whenever you see me or talk to me. The reason why I am still following you is because I just don't want you to walk alone when it's so dangerous to be walking alone. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Especially because you're a girl. I want to at least walk you home, so that I know you are safe."
That made my heart sink. I feel like someone really did care about me and that I am actually seen as a girl. I've always believed that guys thought that I was a guy because I acted so tough, but this comment gave me confidence.
We walked in silence until we reached my house. I got all the courage inside me and asked, "hey... um... thanks for walking me home, and.... I... uh wanted to know if we could have dinner together. Well, I wanted to do something for you since I knocked you over this morning and I wasn't really nice to you either."I wasn't expecting this, but he smiled and his facial expression showed admiration and affection. "Yes. I'd love to."My heart sunk once more and I was overwhelmed with excitement.KYLE'S POV
After walking her to her house, I called up Sebastian (my Chauffer/Butler). Remembering the way she spun around in the rain made my heart thump. The way she smiled, the hidden tint of sadness in her eyes and everything about her, made me feel so different. I felt like myself around her. I usually acted really smart and like I had everything in the world, but around her, I felt like I didn't have everything, like I was missing something special. I've always been curious about what type of girl she was. In class, I'd always see her laughing and smiling, but I was deceived.
One day, I happened to be in the school's garden and I witnessed her crying her heart out. Her friend, Riku wasn't there and she was clutching something in her hands. Her face shined and the tears glistened. Something about her caught my attention. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I kept wishing, I want to be the one to protect her and to wipe her tears. Why do I care about her so much?